A "Prop"er Thank You Mr. Iyengar


Last Wednesday on 8/20/2014 after 95 years on earth,  Guruji B.K.S. Iyengar passed on to another realm; the ultimate adventure.
I am saddened, and yet hopeful regarding the end of an era yet also the re-birthing of a new paradigm maintaining the integrity of this ancient practice.  Krishnamacharya's legacy lives on through K. Patthabi Jois and B.K.S. Iyengar students and teachers globally.  I have been blessed to study with so many of you, as teachers and friends over the last 13 years.
Guruji Iyengar- I am ever so grateful to you. You were my first teacher in such a profound way with Light On Yoga 13 years ago. There was little yoga in my hometown; thus this book became my perpetual teacher along with "the practice".  I was stunned and shocked to visually see and read about each exotic and foreign pose you relayed in this sacred book. I never imagined that one day they would be accessible to me.  This book was and continues to be my yoga bible.

I vividly remember the day (after 2 years of  personal practice and rereading this book) where I truly felt the LIGHTNess of BEing you spoke of so well. I felt as light as a feather with breath, movement and wonder!  This energetic emancipation would come and go over the years; yet with each sacred practice the effects of  spiritual clarity and lightness embodied deeper within my heart and soul.
Eventually I discovered my personal teacher; Shiva Rea from Krishnamacharya's lineage and Mr. Iyengar's instruction guided me from a grounded home practice into the dance of Prana Vinyasa®.
I never realized the precious link we shared until I developed the HastaPada and how Mr. Iyengar revolutionized #YOGAFOREVERYONE.  His sickly childhood taught him how to evolve and heal through dedication and yoga. He had a vivid clarity and passion to assist those who wanted to heal themselves with practice and persistence. Props were the norm with Mr. Iyengar; he used blocks, wall units, chairs and BELTS. Many people benefited from these supporting modalities; not as a crutch but as an evolutionary tool.
I am so grateful for your passion, brilliance and incredible genius in this lifetime. Your teachings have influenced so very many of us and will continue to do so. You have been a brilliant lightness on my dharmic path illuminating the way for Vyana.

Enjoy the true lightness of being Master Iyengar...

“Change is not something that we should fear. Rather, it is something that we should welcome. For without change, nothing in this world would ever grow or blossom, and no one in this world would ever move forward to become the person they're meant to be."  
~B.K.S. Iyengar~