The First New Moon ~ January 20th, 2015

The First New Moon ~ January 20th, 2015


The Perfect Day to Set Your Year Long Intention

The New Moon represents another portal and beginning. It is the initiation process for the potent renewal and Intention of what you would like to procur as the moon waxes (with an array of quantum possibilities) in the night sky.  Allow this opportunistic time to discover the powerful energy of January's first New Moon. Map out a  plan of action that is do-able, realistic, and attainable every day within your ability and time. Be it five minutes a day or 30 minutes.

The beginning of January (as the moon wanes) was a time to look inward and allow the reflective qualities of the moons luminosity emanate with another new beginning.  Set the tone, make a simple plan of action, and manifest your dreams or desires for 2015.  From the darkness of this new moon we have a clean slate to make a plan and carry on. We can set the tone for our enlightenment with a new thought process, a realistic goal, an exercise routine, yoga pose, or counter-pose. Its time to make the magic of our dreams a reality.  The small changes we make in the day to day intentions that we have set multiply and set the pace.

Our mat is a sacred space of transformation  and allows us to move with attention in the physical realm and realize where our thoughts, negativity and so called failures show up within our bodies and breath. We all know (far too well) where we carry our tension and our practice is the re-patterning to release tension and start anew.

Our Yoga practice changes our bodies as it transforms our mind and thought patterns. This is the beauty of sadhana- to Yin our Yang, so to speak, and discover the balance of being. Within this BEing we become enlightened to a new way of thinking. This evolutionary process is a revoltuion and will allow us to  "see" a new passage or portal into our future.

Along with this powerful energy of moving forward there is a waft of potent energy around this New Moon in Aquarius with equal opportunity for those who chose to allow a new way of thinking, observing, facilitating and changing any old patterns that we may need to just let go.



Since the 1st of January I have been playing around with the top three daily poses to do 365 days/ year along with Ayurvedic implements and daily spiritual readings.  It started out with 3 poses graduating to 21 pose (kramas to a pose- yoga chikitsa), 3 books to read daily, and an extra ayurvedic addition amidst my many a dinacharya(daily ayurvedic rituals).  If I kept the entire list it would take me 6 hours to leave the house or I would have to wake up at 3 am every day. NOT gonna happen in this householder life.  In the end I let go and edited my A list like the Emmy's decide what will be in the top list. So here it goes.

Simplicity is the  key to unlock the door of  opportunity.

Know how much time you can do each day (like brushing your teeth) and then implement your 3 small tasks whether they be self care, a thought change, diet, mindfullness or purposeful intentions.  To make a small change each and every day is the greatest gift we can give ourselves.  The path to be healthy, happy, and successful is to live stress-less without attachment and that means to simply do it.

As a Vata I have to keep it ~potent and simple ~
which is the most difficult thing to do  since there are way too many options for us and we can get side tracked so easily... LOL.  Fortitude is my attitude here and now to do these things without attachment,  yet with purpose, and my complete art of attention.


#1     Patanajalis Yoga Sutras -  revisit my first "yoga" book reading a stanza every am
          after pranayama and before meditation.
# 2     3  Simple Therapeutic Poses
           Independent as Yoga Chikitsa (ayurveda/yoga therapy)
#3     3 minutes/day personal Aerial yoga to Nasayana with Dr. Lad's Super Nasaya Oil             
          (hang upside down and spinal decompress -even we yogis multi-task) .

Can you add three to 20 minutes to your day for you?
Add a shoulder opener to relieve your tightness at your desk at work every hour. Fold forward in your chair to relieve your lower back 3 times per day. Take a daily 10 minute walk as a meditation. Eat mindfully. Stop speeding. Floss your teeth. Chew your food at least 20 times per bite. Meditate for 1 minute or 3 minutes each morning. Learn one new breathwork or pranayama and implement it. (do I sound like your Mom? lol )

These are the small intentions that add up immensely as the year moves transpires. This is similar to a trickle of water over time... for it is in the daily practice in actions and deeds where change happens and transformation blossoms.

Make the BIG picture for your Brand New World.
Now lets get going...
Your invitation is in the darkness of the New Moon for it will lead you to your time to shine.

Shine Bright and Illuminate Your Life. I know you do mine.


The Auspicious ESSENCE of TIME ~ January 2015

We all are moving back toward the light and entering a new beginning... once again.

For some of us each mOMent is a new beginning and not just the New Year date. The ending of a year and the beginning of another is a vast potential portal of what was and what is to BEcome.

The New Year is powerful reminder of TIME.  Real or Illusion.

"Time is on Our Side", "Time is of the Essence", "Time Heals all Wounds", "Time is Money", "So Many Men So Little Time", "Do you have the Time?" , "In a Timely Manner".  These are all relative quotes and statements to Kala/Time and represent powerful questions of our existence;  be it limited or limitless. 

And so when the New Year and first week of January rolls out we notice... BIG TIME!

The Mandala of time seems to quicken its pace each year we circle the Sun. How does tan alternate timeline sequencing seem possible as a perpetuality?  Is there an illusion of time travel right here on earth?  Are we living faster lives creating a fracture in the time/space continuum with electronic devices and a Vata disturbed lifestyle, or does time project swiftly like a waterfall on its exhilarating journey as it tumbles and courses along with gravity on its side?

A myth or reality? Perception or Cognition? Does time really go by faster the older we become? There may be no steadfast simple answer to this age old phenomenon; yet there could be a very simple solution. Lets investigate a few paradoxical sentiments regarding Time/Space and Age from a Doshic standpoint.

I  questioned my creative, impulsive, spontaneous, fun loving and sometimes deranged VATA friend why they thought time flew by faster as we age and she said  "Because we are spinning faster, really.... we are losing time everyday!  The world is revolving and the universe is at its half life where time moves onward picking up speed. The days are getting shorter, they really are --- its a documented fact!"  How ? I ask.  "I don't remember but I read it somewhere." Fascinating!!

I proceeded to ask my lovable, consistently reliable, kind KAPHA friend and his reply was   "We become more still and reflective the older we get, our thoughts become more indepth.  We think, we muse, we ponder eliciting a rushed response to make a decision is only done when provoked.  We move and relate a bit slower internally so time seems to go by faster all around us because people and "the lifestyles of the itch and aimless" are  moving in a blur of unattached activity".  Intriguing!

This promptly prompted me to  ask my PITTA predominant goal oriented friend what they thought .  "We are completely preoccupied and have more to do in modern society- literally with no time left to relax. There is so much more responsibility as you age, the sandwich years, more activities, a bigger "to do" list that never ends and when you look at your day the time has just been chock full and flies by. Where did it go? I just made my bed and now Im' turning down the sheets. How did that happen? What the F*&k did I do today" Unbelievable!

Your perception of time is how you relate to life... your Life.

This exact time in your life and the attention to your intention is what "sets about time".  We come to our perceptions by living an experiential life with emotions, feelings, and more, a life of stored images and memories that vividly color our inner world. When younger, everything we do is New and Exciting. When something is new to you there is much more to absorb, assimilate, think about and digest. Years later, when you rediscover that memory, it seems as if it lasted longer than actuality. Memories are elongated within our mind, as an illusion, that time has deeply embedded those provocative images in your brain. Your brain encodes new experiences with past experiences (lush lingering scenes at 10 years old vs sketches of another regular day past 50 years and older).  First occasions are novel events we tend to make more elaborate and detailed with lasting memories. When we repeat the event, year after year, it is less likely to make a unique or lasting impression.

Observe the same phenomenon in a shorter space of time. For instance, the first couple of days of a 2-week vacation seem leisurely. You're grateful that time is going slowly. But, the next thing you know, it's over and you are packing your bags! That new romance with butterflies in your stomach, dating, a first kiss and before you know it, it's your 20th anniversary. Days are long and years Zip by.

In answer to "the perception of time", is to TAKE THE TIME to notice life and slow the pace down, at least psychologically.

When we breathe deeper and longer we expand the boundaries of time.

Pause to INHALE the flowers, watch the sun set and EXHALE, star gaze under a mid-summer night, have a glass of wine by the fire with a friend,, learn a new language, be yoga, join a sport or club...  take advantage of new and unique experiences.


Allow YOGA to enter your life, in the union of everyday life, so that you may thoroughly observe each breath and moment as a blessing, a new beginning and a novelty.  When we do the same thing with the same mindset time seems to march on but with a novel and curious approach we are recreating a positive perception encouraging distinct memories. Focus on past memories that are positive in order to discover many an INDIVIDUAL MOMENT in time, which allows us to hold a positive perception of the future full of hope and optimism.


Bending Time and Space                                                                                                                   

 In Gratitude and Grace,

A "Prop"er Thank You Mr. Iyengar


Last Wednesday on 8/20/2014 after 95 years on earth,  Guruji B.K.S. Iyengar passed on to another realm; the ultimate adventure.
I am saddened, and yet hopeful regarding the end of an era yet also the re-birthing of a new paradigm maintaining the integrity of this ancient practice.  Krishnamacharya's legacy lives on through K. Patthabi Jois and B.K.S. Iyengar students and teachers globally.  I have been blessed to study with so many of you, as teachers and friends over the last 13 years.
Guruji Iyengar- I am ever so grateful to you. You were my first teacher in such a profound way with Light On Yoga 13 years ago. There was little yoga in my hometown; thus this book became my perpetual teacher along with "the practice".  I was stunned and shocked to visually see and read about each exotic and foreign pose you relayed in this sacred book. I never imagined that one day they would be accessible to me.  This book was and continues to be my yoga bible.

I vividly remember the day (after 2 years of  personal practice and rereading this book) where I truly felt the LIGHTNess of BEing you spoke of so well. I felt as light as a feather with breath, movement and wonder!  This energetic emancipation would come and go over the years; yet with each sacred practice the effects of  spiritual clarity and lightness embodied deeper within my heart and soul.
Eventually I discovered my personal teacher; Shiva Rea from Krishnamacharya's lineage and Mr. Iyengar's instruction guided me from a grounded home practice into the dance of Prana Vinyasa®.
I never realized the precious link we shared until I developed the HastaPada and how Mr. Iyengar revolutionized #YOGAFOREVERYONE.  His sickly childhood taught him how to evolve and heal through dedication and yoga. He had a vivid clarity and passion to assist those who wanted to heal themselves with practice and persistence. Props were the norm with Mr. Iyengar; he used blocks, wall units, chairs and BELTS. Many people benefited from these supporting modalities; not as a crutch but as an evolutionary tool.
I am so grateful for your passion, brilliance and incredible genius in this lifetime. Your teachings have influenced so very many of us and will continue to do so. You have been a brilliant lightness on my dharmic path illuminating the way for Vyana.

Enjoy the true lightness of being Master Iyengar...

“Change is not something that we should fear. Rather, it is something that we should welcome. For without change, nothing in this world would ever grow or blossom, and no one in this world would ever move forward to become the person they're meant to be."  
~B.K.S. Iyengar~


The Familiar Within the Dosha Family

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They say in life treat your enemies like friends and then they’ll become frenemies, which in my experience has been known to evolve into besties when you really, really get to know them.

I have a Frenemy who I adore.  Sometimes that imperceptible line between love and hate is like the thinnest veil on Halloween; barely there! I am always pacifying this friend who will most likely not remain anonymous for long. You have one too- someone we all have, know far too well, and love dearly. 

I am just stating the obvious- this isn't about cattiness or simply gossip, it is simply the way it is.  

A Familenemy (part friend, part family, part enemy) is impossible to live with and impossible to live without. I'm sure you are intimately familiar with this evasive concept; it's something we keep hidden and never discuss or crab about endlessly.

Its safe to say I cannot change someone else but I can respond by putting up a great defense to promote peace, harmony and love. 

In the name of compassion I have to make sure this friend is pacified, because if she is not then the big bad wolf is a 'knockin - actually pounding at my door- and PUFF there goes the entire house or in this case MY TEMPLE (divine- that is). 

You know whom I'm talking about; it's a family affair.  So what if she is the oldest, thinks she comes first all the time, and can hear everything I say because our voices - hell yeah even our thoughts carry like the wind…she is everywhere and then here. Outa thin air. Whooosh.

Who am I talking about? By now you may have guessed she is my dearest, most creative, funn (yep two n's), constitutional loving, gypsy swingin, spontaneous wheelin, often hysterical and sometimes forgetful BFF -VATA.


In Ayurveda (the ancient preventative modality of India and sister science to yoga) there exists three homes or constitutions- like the Harry Potter houses Gryffindor and Slytherin each with their own unique characteristics. We need and have all three to maintain our castle, or homeostasis, in balance. At times it is just like playing Quidditch on the battlefield of life. If we don’t heed the rules, use teamwork, and abide by our houses chaos ensues and you lose. It’s a high stakes and diligent game with a seeker (aren’t we all?), seven players (the chakras), two teams (duality), and an enchanted golden winged snitch (immortality, bliss, nirvana). 

Anyway, I digress... but simply how elusive is that snitch! (to snatch)

Ayurvedically be mindful of Vata, the first of the three constitutions and the most likely variable in this sacred equation. Always pacify Vata! Learn how to fly a kite, balance on a tightrope, stay warm, focus and do your hOMework!

With Vata the winds are ever-changing. Since you cannot control the wind, you learn to adjust the sail when this dosha takes flight. 

When VATA is deranged (or out of whack) she whips things up and gives PITTA a smack. Pitta will maintain the peace and attempt to judiciously carry on but Vata is as relentless as the media.

Pitta is officially pissed- ‘’how dare Vata do that?”  Any great Pitta does not like to be pushed around or told what to do, and being the super-heated powerhouse they are, it’s time to react appropriately  (Inappropriately so)! 

PITTA is officially inflamed and going to bully KAPHA.

KAPHA, notoriously slow to respond, will ignore Pitta and maybe even absorb the shock. She will stew then brew, until loving Kapha's passive and bull-headed nature gives way to stone cold aggression. 

A dead end of sorts where there is no return. 

Eventually and quite dramatically taking it out on YOU!

Do I really want that kind of a dance with my Constitution?

I would rather be dancin’ to the blues than singin’ them.

When I pacify my beloved Vata I am able to keep peace and not start a war within the trilogy. All in all, we cannot live without our DOSHA Family. Compassion and communication are essential. So I keep my friends close, my frenemies even closer and always make peace with my Familenemy; after all we do share the same house for a lifetime… or at least just this one.


Not the kind of threesome I desire.


Check this article out here on Yoganonymous!



The making of the VEDI*VAAHAN: Vedi Ventures

Over the past thirteen years i  have traveled extensively for yoga conferences, workshops,  teacher trainings, assisting,  and each trip has been an adventure to cherish and behold.  At the beginning of every adventure after all the plans and preparations I would finally sit in my car (kids, hubby, house all set, yoga items packed) and turn on the ignition my heart would sing itself in elation; full of AWE and WONDER.  What would I learn, who would I meet, how would my old ideas or perceptions and physical body change? Who would I welcome into this new life and how would we evolve over the next few days or week?  I followed my Beloved teacher, Shiva Rea, around the globe and obtained my 500 hour yoga TT in 2008 through the Samudra Yoga School.

My favorite trip was in 2006 when I enthusiastically made it to the homeland of yoga!  As a newbie yogini I was infatuated with everything in India - the culture, history, food, fashion, the people, and also the Murti's (statues that evoke the divine through ancient parable and potent seeds of wisdom).  Some Murti's were hanging from rickshaws, others on altars in temples, shops, and homes. 

Everywhere I looked there was the divine in the profane. A glimpse of heaven on earth. Beauty within squalor.  Immortality among death. 

Divinity led to Infinity.

The most popular deities known as Ganesha, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Shiva or Nataraja statues were a representation of what one seeks to fulfill or obtain in life.  The qualities to emulate and reciprocate are embodied and living within the mantra and the Murti's personification.  BAM ! or should I say RAM  because this was a powerful reminder of my intention and motivation on the Dharmic Path.  Of course I carried three statues home in my previously empty suitcase (it weighed #150) a Ganesha and Yogan Shiva from our altar in Kerala that Shiva Rea had as our sacred centerpiece embodied with Shakti, and my beloved Sva Dharma - Green Tara from Srinagar.

My teacher Shiva ignited the passion, desire and quantum tools to dive deep within this ancient culture. I was fascinated and mesmerized. A spiritual adventure of the divine kind. This journey to another continent led me on an inner quest to discover my Dharmic Path. The continuous unraveling and unfolding on so many levels with lifetimes of letting go was a transformational portal beyond my wildest imagination. A huge black hole that magnetized and polarized me within; no one could resist such a powerful yearning. It drew me deep within its darkness of transformation and out of that darkness there was light. Lots of light. As bright as the high-beams of light on the other side of the highway!  The double yellow lines were now divided. I was free to change lanes and ride my truth or stay in the lane until it was time to pass. Discoveries and new beginnings were instrumental among the many facets of yoga's bountiful gifts within a new lifestyle and perspective. I bonded with lifelong friends within our tribe, developed a physical and emotional prowess that would launch a company called VYANA and the emergence of a yoga prop named the HastaPada. Yet this is the story of the Vedis.... the seed(Bija) had been planted in India and would lay dormant until cultivated.

Now - back to the interior of my ride.

Since that fateful trip I have journeyed far and wide observing the expansiveness of the world racing past the windshield of my imagination. How can one not feel the magnitude of life’s transformation from the drivers seat?  Aren’t we all in the hot seat of our multi-dimensional vehicle? At each red light I would see my reflection in the rear-view mirror and observe whether my face was peaceful or stressed. What if there was a sacred and auspicious reminder in my drishti (gaze) to take a deep breath or two and bring a bit of pranayama in my automobile.  A moment to reset the inner channel and frequency of my monkey mind or the fury of an obstacle in the way.

Road rage Begone!

I would gaze past the dashboard and fly by the highway (always within the speed limit of my imagination) looking to the horizon and feeling the freedom of TRAVELING IN TRUTH... my truth. I had found my life's passion and was following it with my HEART racing.  Full on petal to the metal.  A thousand petals to the alchemical metal of the Sahasraha Chakra.  

ENLIGHTENMENT.  Honk, Honk, Toot Toot.

In the beginning it would come and go if only for a second or two.  Through meditation, yoga and pranayama, ‘’it’’ would show itself if only for a moment when I dropped into that deep yet spacious place.  A quick download and then back to the old paradigm; yet over time I learned to cultivate this inner light of radiance and GRACE through surrender.  I now know how to allow this wondrous gift to enter my empty space in wonder and surrender.  We all have a unique present that is our offering to each other and the universe. Whenever we allow the light within we have to share it - radiantly. This is what we are here for—to love and share, to share in love. For me this sacred gift is through INTENTION.  A heartfelt intention to manifest dreams and direct the mind toward our heart’s desire and purpose. This is Dharma; it may come in kramas (progressive stages) yet it is always the path we have chosen and taken, or choose to take.  One step at a time within each revolution and evolution of our internal wheels of our fortune as we speed around the universe yet remain still

I created VediVahaans as a reminder to stay focused and head toward the horizon of each journey, in reality, and as a metaphor of distant dreams and far away travels. VediVaahans represent a metaphor of your inner journey and destination when you are driving along life's highways and byways. This portable charm is intended to make your automobile feel like a "sacred space" while traveling and observing the world going by. Turn down the Tempo within your Auto-Temple. Shift and slow down the mind, learn how to unwind, and feel the calm within the RPM's of a busy life passing.  Whether running errands or on a long trip, the destination is set and intention is always part of our own inner GPS. "Vedi" in Sanskrit means altar and "Vaahana" means vehicle; hence-  ALTAR YOUR RIDE... Alter your journey. 

When driving, I feel as if my Vedi sets the peaceful pace—a  mental cruise control removing the fluctuations of the mind and focusing on the road ahead.  When my Vedi shimmers in the light or catches my eye, part of me drops into grace and my intention is observed and renewed again and again. A visual reminder to surrender as I navigate the situation at hand. In my hands; I am reminded to gently hold the steering wheel representing my heart and I must go where my heart leads.

On your sacred path and adventurous journey - hang with a Vedi and set your intention on the road ahead; a “charm"ing reminder to keep your eyes on the horizon of your dreams, and passionately cultivate the inner radar of love.  And so with any passion, we are driven to create, for in creativity lies the highest form of the Divine and within that Divine intelligence is the spark of LOVE.


Managing March with Compassionate Touch <3

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Through the ever changing winds of March lies a potent transition with fresh possibilities abounding. Human nature has a way of mimicking the effects of the season as the cold winds of March reign in the evolution of spring transforming the dormant slumber of winter into a catastrophic riot of emergence. The gusty gales stimulate life to blossom between opposing forces of nature, similar to a madcap seasonal game of tag with spring like temperatures that can spontaneously plunge into the depths of a winter only to revert back in a flash to spring.

Botanists say that trees need the powerful March winds to flex their trunks and main branches,
so the sap is drawn up to nourish the budding leaves. Perhaps we need the gales of life in the 
same way, though we dislike enduring them.
~ Jane Truax

Major fluctuations in spring-like weather can leave one unsettled and absentminded at this 
time of year provoking restlessness and unease. What better mode of contact for the largest 
sensory organ of our body, than the power of touch to nurture and calm. The deep "finger-like 
roots" keep a tree grounded to the earth - so too can we keep grounded by nurturing touch 
through YOGA, body massage, a caress, holding hands, a pat on the back, a hug, high fives, 
or any type of compassionate manifestation of skin to skin contact will root, calm and settle the
most gusty personality. 

The positive effects of compassionate physical contact generously fosters serenity, relaxation, and trust.Touch is our innate connection to the physical world we live in; it is the first sensation in utero and the final sensation when we leave our physical bodies. The definitions of touch are - body/physical contact, pressing lightly, to have an effect on someone or something, to affect someone emotionally, to consume something, the feeling of senses or touch, a small amount or a distinctive style, communication - as in keep in touch. The profound importance, and yet sometimes overlooked, sensation elicits abundant joy and happiness essential to our well being. It appears touch represents our deep connection to life in and of itself.

Your friends, students, family, children, spouse or lover will be deeply touched by your intention
through touch. It is the small gestures in life that make a phenomenal difference to all we care 
about. Touch is a gesture or body movement to express meaning, thereby an action through 
communicating intention we can invoke compassion, guidance, respect and love.

Serenity and relaxation through compassionate touch is the key to tranquility. To touch 
someone's heart, to touch your soul, to touch the divine in the midst of chaos, to keep in touch,
a touch of class, touch and go, touch wood, a touch of genius, a touch of madness, I'm deeply 
touched by your ... Feelosophy.
Go ahead and touch someones heart ... I dare ya!

~Ralph Waldo Emerson


Helena's Carrot Yam Ginger Turmeric Thai Chili Soup

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Make your agni happy with this heating soup!

Carrot Yam Ginger Tumeric Thai Chili Soup

2 Cooked carrots

2 Baked yams

1 1/2 C Water

1/2 C Fresh orange juice

1 Stick fresh tumeric

1 Stick fresh ginger

Thai chili powder to taste

Mix cooked carrots and water in a vitamix, then add all other ingredients and continue to mix together.

This can also be mixed up with an immersion blender or a traditional blender, but you may want to pre-chop the ginger and tumeric.

To finish up, add pear chutney (recipe to come!) and a dollop of organic yogurt. 


the Vyana Team

Saint Valentine was a Latin Lover

Did you know...

The word February is from the Latin term, meaning purification and coincides with the history of Valentine’s Day named after Saint Valentine. Valentine was an honorable Bishop who made the art of purification (act to free a person from sin or guilt) in holy matrimony his calling card.  During his lifetime this sacred ritual was considered a dark sin for young lovers who could not declare or consummate their love.

This month is a time to feel the initial ascent or gentle awakening from a cold winter's slumber. Our intuitive hearts feel the restless fire within the intrepid rise of the energetic sun and subsequent setting of the romantic moon; and so the deep stirring within beckons our heart-fire. Valentine’s Day is the blazing red-hot holiday to jump-start our passion.

What better way to awaken and purify our hibernating bodies than through the fire of love. A compassionate love of ourselves, our families, friends, community, and even globally. There are no boundaries when we “share the love”.

Sacred Activism is on the rise world wide as seen within the realm of yoga, major corporations, philanthropic organizations, and syndicated TV shows. Renowned celebrities, organizations and individuals are making a difference to those in need.

We humans have a biological yearning and deep desire to help others in need.  A kind gesture or selfless act of courage from the heart is the keystone to inner peace and happiness. Our culture has reawakened a deep propensity for agape (selfless-spiritual) love as Saint Valentine emulated so long ago.

The history of Saint Valentine's Day has been cloaked with intrigue and mystery. Most scholars believe that Saint Valentine was a priest who lived around 270 AD, in Rome, and attracted the disapproval of Roman Emperor Claudius II. While there are many different versions of this story amongst the Catholics and Protestants, they both agree upon this enlightened priest who held secret marriage ceremonies to honor love. 

During the Roman Empire's latter strife of the Golden Era, Emperor Claudius II had forbidden any marriage of young soldiers in and of his command. Education declined, taxation increased and trade was at an all time low. Civil strive increased dramatically due to a lack of administrators and chaos ensued.

The Roman Empire faced major crisis from numerous kingdoms; they had grown too large to be shielded from external aggression and internal conflict. More and more men were recruited as soldiers and officers to protect the vast empire. Whether single, married or fathers they were expected to serve in some manner. Claudius prohibited marriage. He believed this union weakened his men with emotional attachments to their wives and families, thus making them inadequate soldiers. The Roman population did not outwardly protest this atrocity for it meant the real death.

At this time, a kind bishop named Valentine realized the injustice of this decree. He saw the heartache and distress of young lovers and their broken hope of being united in marriage. Cloaked in secrecy, Valentine would join soul-mates in the sacrament of holy matrimony. Historically speaking, such things cannot be hidden for long; he was eventually arrested, sent to prison and executed on February 14, 270 AD. 

Valentine possessed saintly abilities and attributes, the stories that surround his imprisonment dealt with his un-abiding faith, pure love and healing powers.

He was believed to have miraculously healed the jailer Asterius's daughter of her blindness. A deep friendship and love developed between them during his imprisonment.

It is said before his execution Valentine wrote a farewell message to this bereft young girl and signed it, "From Your Valentine", a phrase that has endearingly endured to the present day.

Valentine was a martyr for love and the sacred union of those who loved deeply, refusing to denounce his religion and eventually becoming a Patron Saint.

After his death, many a young Roman would offer handwritten greetings of affection to the women they admired in the name of Valentine. During the 14th Century Saint Valentine's Day became associated with love and romance.

This tradition has evolved and spread throughout the ages and over continents to our modern day of genuine heartfelt celebration. The Saint Valentine's Day note or card has transpired into hearts, the color red, trinkets, chocolate, flowers, romantic dinners and more. Most people celebrate this cherished event seeking out their loved ones.

We all have unbridled passion and deep burning desire to be the LOVER and the BELOVED.

May the seeker become the Lover and the Beloved the Seeker, for there is no greater power than the power of love. 

BE*Love BE*Loved

Purify your heart and light the fire within. Burn baby …burn

Lets give new meaning to the word HEART*Burn!


Turmeric Ginger Tea for Winter

Helena’s Ginger-Turmeric Tea

Are you feeling the blustery  winter's chill and dampness or the feeling of a cold or chest cold coming on? Here’s a great option if you are a tea lover and want a healthy alternative as a supplemental drink and wonderful way to absorb the healing advantages of this delicious concoction.


This tea is a staple in my house during fall and winter. Warm, soothing drinks are recommended at this time of year. Herbs and warm drinks are nurturing, soothing and recommended for the darker time of year. This hot, golden to orange remedy will bring sunshine to your eyes and body as you sip it in anticipation of its ancient medicinal properties.

According to Ayurveda, ginger-turmeric tea is healing, tri-doshic and very grounding.  That means it has beneficial properties for anyone who takes a sip! Just one cup per day is a great way to receive the full benefits of this medicinal elixir. Also, tea-time is beneficial as a relaxation mOMent and a quiet time to honor your body.

Taste (or rasa) is a way for your palate to welcome this intoxicating and earthly tonic into your system. Over time your skin will glow from the color of the turmeric; a natural skin brightener.  Plus, orange fingers you might get from handling this root are a conversation opener wherever you go! 

Turmeric is at the cornerstone of traditional Indian medicine and everyday diet. Turmeric has been revered for its health and culinary properties for centuries.  It’s a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial.  It supports digestion, improves mood and has even been touted to support brain and memory function.

Ginger is an Ayurvedic and Chinese herb.  Long ago ginger root was thought to aid food poisoning, nausea, and menstrual cramps. Today, we know that it also helps with circulation of bile and the breakdown of proteins, and can decrease cholesterol with its anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it a perfect after-meal treat when sipped slowly.

The constituents of this tea are known to help with cardiovascular function, immune function, respiratory function and reduces nausea associated with pregnancy

Now, let’s get to the good stuff.  The recipe for this yummy immune booster is below!



Turmeric-Ginger Tea Recipe


· 2 index finger-length pieces (fingerlings) fresh turmeric*  (peeled & chopped)

· 2 fat fingerlings fresh ginger (peeled and chopped)

· 32 oz water


Makes 4 cups

*Fresh turmeric may be difficult to come across but can often be found in Indian herbal stores in the refrigerated section.  I buy in bulk during the cooler months as it keeps well in your veggie-drawer.  (If fresh is unavailable, use 1 Tbsp powdered turmeric which you will need to whisk thoroughly into the mix.) I suggest you locate fresh turmeric - the most delicious and holistic way to make this easy concoction and well worth the effort.

Use the back of a large spoon to peel and then roughly chop the roots into smaller pieces, add chopped turmeric and ginger in your post with the water, bring to a simmer for 10 minutes. Strain this golden elixir into your favorite mug.  Gingerly sip and let the ingredients percolate and permeate your body’s ecosystem!


~With Illumination and Love~


*When I am unable to make this tea – my favorite to-go drink is Tumeric Alive, a versatile, portable and functional beverage to pack on an airplane or bring in the car.  When the weather is warmer I keep it in my refrigerator for a post yoga boost or a little lift anytime during the day.  It’s perfect to add into juices or green drinks. Mostly I drink it au natural as it comes in many flavors- (my fav. Is the pineapple!).

Helena's Article Featured on Yoganonymous!

Hot off the press! Helena’s fabulous new article, “Thanks giving in every way: The 6 perfections of a bodhisattva,” is up on YOGANONYMOUS.

The 6 Perfections of a Bodhisattva

Generosity: giving truly from the heart

Ethics: giving in mindfulness with positive actions and non-attachment

Patience: with joy and ease

Effort: passionate enthusiasm as a noble virtue

Concentration: radiating a calm inner and outer focus of attentive awareness

Wisdom: the total of the previous five perfections – the fearless Bodhisattva qualities are of selflessness, impermanence and an intuitive awareness into the nature of reality all in the name of compassion

Read the article here.

Feeling like a HERO?

It's a beautiful day here in upstate NY! Here is a tutorial on using your HastaPada to open up into half hero! Loving the loop!

Supta Vira Ardha Padmottanasana. Half hero with the hastapada. A great way to open your inner thighs to relieve a tight back and inner groin muscles.