Chair Yoga
Sitting Hamstring Stretch with Wrist Hold
Standing Balance Pose with Bracelet Hold
Dancer Pose Balance with Chair and Mudra
Tadasana - Mountain Pose with Side Bend Variations
Warrior Goddess Vira 2
Uttanasana - Chair Pose Variations
Shoulder Mobilization with HastaPada Wristlet Hold
Navasana~ Boat Pose Variations
Sitting Pigeon Variations with Wristlet Hold and Mudra
Safely encourage and protect Hip joint rotation, enhance biceps, employ mudra
Chair Lunge Dancer -Natarajasana Pose Stages
Twisted Chair - Utkatasana
Create stability and strength deep in the core from the foot on the floor
Chair Twist - Up in Arms
Sitting Hamstring Stretch with Mudra
Encourage breath and deep core engagement from the sole of the foot.