A medical-grade red light therapy device
The Biomas RLT panels feature red, near infrared, and blue wavelengths to give you the most comprehensive treatment using scientifically validated wavelengths. The powerful effects of red light therapy are not just about physical recovery and pain relief. They go into lifestyle quality, youthfulness, longevity, and more.
Red light therapy naturally stimulates your body’s own production of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate), a key element in cellular regeneration. It’s been identified as a great way to aid in faster healing, immune boosting, anti-aging, mood enhancement, muscle recovery and much more.
Photobiomodulation is a term used to describe light therapy.
Photobiomodulation is used in reference to RLT which encompasses the use of visible 630-660nm red wavelengths; invisible near infrared wavelengths (810-850nm) and invisible infrared wavelengths (1060nm).
Before you embark on RLT treatments here are a few guidelines & information to acquaint yourself with.
Be consistent: Consistency is the most important part of red light therapy. Think of it as “feeding” your cells every day.
We recommend you take 3-5 sessions per week until your specific condition clears up. Ongoing treatments may be necessary to prevent flare-ups of chronic conditions.
The need for consistency is very important as the lights are a type of medicine and ritual.
NO LOTIONS, OILS or PERFUMES Treat clean, bare skin: The treatment area should be clean and free of any oils or lotions that could inhibit light absorption. Clothing will block light, so make sure to apply the light to bare skin.
Most problems associated with red light therapy are related to overuse. Although going overboard with treatment is not recommended, the side effects of doing so are mild at most.
We offer usage recommendations with a 20 minute session 2-3-5/week. Overusing the lights is not advised because our cells are only capable of absorbing a finite amount of light photons at a time. Side effects from over use can result in skin tightness or redness and an empty pocket..
The treatment works on a cellular level. Tissue repair/regeneration happens on its own schedule that can be accelerated with red light therapy, but only to a certain degree.
Please arrive 10-15 min before your appointment.
Our front desk person will gladly and professionally assist you.
Once you are in the treatment room you will be instructed on how to press the touch screen when ready.
The height of the lights will be set by your assistant and walk you through the protocols.
You will be instructed on how to turn the lights on for your 20 m session.
When alone~ LOCK the DOOR from the inside.
Set up calming music on your phone if desired or spend the time in meditation.
Remove all your clothes. The lights need skin transparency.for best results.
Carefully position yourself under the lights ( 6~12 inches). If it’s too warm during your first session we can move the lights further for the next one. (maximum 36”) Get comfortable on the top sheet facing the wall with your head on the pillow. If you need a bolster for your knees one will be provided.
Use an appropriate eye shield. Please bring your own eye covering if possible or you may purchase or borrow one that has been thoroughly cleaned at the studio.
Each single session will last approximately 20 minutes.
Once the lights go off carefully extract yourself from the massage table and finish dressing.
Collect all your personal belongings and check to make sure you have everything from the room .
Check out at the front desk.
Schedule your next appointment to receive the most benefits.
Book Here
How our state of the art Platinum Infrared light works:
The Powerhouses of The Cell
Within our cells, we have small structures called mitochondria. Much like the photosynthesis process in plants, these structures soak up light and convert its energy into cellular fuel.
ATP Fuel Boost
When red light shines through the body, it interacts with the mitochondria, stimulating the production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), which is the primary energy currency in our bodies.
Improved Cellular Function
Increased ATP production means there’s more energy within each cell. A cell with high energy is better able to perform its specialized functions, repair itself, and replicate.
The Ripple Effect
This process stimulates collagen production, improves blood circulation, and reduces inflammation, causing a ripple effect that enhances overall health and contributes to faster healing.
The Treatments
Penetration range allows red light to pass into deep tissue to promote muscle recovery, boost skin rejuvenation, and relieve pain, improving general well-being and physical performance.
Conditions You Can Treat with Red Light Therapy
One of the most powerful ways red light therapy can stimulate and support healing is by reducing inflammation. Reducing inflammation is the first step in managing pain, reducing skin redness, wound healing, and even reversing signs of aging.
Another way this all natural treatment supports health is by increasing energy production within the individual cells. Just like you can’t perform at your best when you’re feeling depleted, neither can your cells. Boosting energy production will have a beneficial ripple effect on the treatment area and beyond.
These two main benefits, along with increased blood circulation and increased collagen production, can help with a host of health conditions.
Promote Vitality and Boost your Immune System: Reducing inflammation at the cellular level.
Accelerate Wound healing: Promote tissue healing and regeneration such as surgical wounds, burns, cuts, abrasions, connective tissue damage, and even bone breaks to heal faster. .
Muscle recovery and sports injuries: RLT treatments could lead to improvements in athletic performance as well as faster muscle recovery to get you back in the game so to speak.
Manage Pain: RLT has helped treat pain associated with neuropathy, osteoarthritis, and low back pain.
Anti-aging and skin care: Best known for its anti-aging effects, RLT boosts collagen & elastin production! This powerhouse of incredible light therapy helps mitigate the effects of chronic inflammation and sun damage to improve skin texture and a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles over time. Studies have shown significant benefits treating skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis, and other chronic skin disorders.
RLT benefits are dependent on the conditions and usage.
Most scientific studies on red light therapy are where the participant used 3-5 treatments per week for several weeks. Consistent use and the size of the unit is a HUGE positive factor.
The number of sessions for red light treatment depends on the condition and severity, as well as your overall health. You may experience immediate relief for some conditions, or you may need to allow the medicine of light work from within and behind the scenes for a slow and steady transformation,
Skin conditions including acne and psoriasis could be cleared up in 1-4 months but regular ongoing maintenance sessions (3-5 per week) will likely be needed to prevent recurrence.
The duration of the treatment also depends on the size and light energy output of the device you’re using. Large, powerful devices can yield faster results than small handheld devices.
*Do not use red light therapy without your doctor’s consent, if pregnant or taking any photosensitizing drugs like Tetracycline or Retin-A.
Red Light Therapy Eye Protection
It is a recurring thought for many to ask "is red light therapy safe for eyes" and this is a very legit concern, as it is common knowledge that most light projection on our eyes are damaging our ocular health. According to research, red light therapy is safe for eyes, but precautionary measures must be taken. It should only be administered by a doctor and not self-administered at home.
Unlike ultraviolet (UVA and UVB) light, red light will not burn your eyes, although you may feel a gentle warmth during treatment. But because eyes are extremely photosensitive, damage could occur from too much exposure. Most research on the ocular use of red light therapy involved two minutes of exposure daily or every other day, so this is a solid starting.
Eye protection for red light therapy
Wearing eye protection is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED since the lights are extremely bright and may be uncomfortable for anyone with light sensitivity or with prolonged exposure. TRANSPARATN GOOGLES are a safe option to wear while under the lights to diminish the sharpness of the bright lights. Red light has no adverse effects when used as directed; however, daily or multi day use is often too much so we recommend googles to be on the safer side.
Keep your eyes closed during RLT
It is not necessary to stare at the red light to reap the benefits of red light application for declining eyesight, therefore we use eye protection to minimize the time of exposure for safety. .
My red light experience has been more than I ever imagined. From heightened energy to to better sleep, I do believe that it has helped balance the production of cortisol and melatonin. Sleeping straight through the hours of each night, feeling more grounded energy upon waking & especially directly after using the lights in the morning.
I have noticed it has helped balance my hormones and have painless menstrual cycles! Hormonal acne has subsided - even during my moon. I believe this can be beneficial for any woman at any stage in life.
I have noticed less pain in my wrist which tends to have an inflammatory reaction to certain foods & can be sore from exertion. That pain has since subsided.
Last but certainly not least my skin! I find my fine lines to be dissipating and becoming less - my especially the lines across the front of my neck & as I did mention earlier but is certainly worth mentioning again, hormonal acne around my moon has greatly improved. My skin feels rejuvenated from the inside out!
I would highly recommended this healing modality for those who are interested in taking better control of their health and wellness. It’s super easy and enjoyable. I am finding many incredible benefits!